Friday, August 21, 2009

Finished reading "The Da Vinci Code"

For quite some time, I wanted to read this book. When I saw the movie, I could not understand one bit. I seemed more like a hollywood suspense thriller rather than anything else. Finally, I could lay my hands on it, and amidst a busy schedule, I managed to finish it over a period of 2 weeks. Quite interesting.

Next one will be "India After Gandhi - by Ramchandra Guha". The Jaswant Singh - Jinnah controversy has revived my dormant interest in history.


Ketki said...

You should read 'The Men Who Killed Gandhi' by Manohar Malgaonkar..
I am reading it right now..its such an eye opener.

Aditya Kulkarni said...

One more book gets added to my list of "To Read" :-). Saw your Konkan pics - very beautiful place.

Now that stirs up the desire to come back to Pune :-).
